Our world map with country names and political boundaries in the Van der Grinten projection combines aesthetic appeal with detailed geographic information. This unique projection presents the world in a spherical format, offering a balanced and visually distinct view of global geography. The map features clearly defined political boundaries, country names, making it an ideal resource for educational, business, and decorative use. With its accurate representation of continents and countries, this map provides an eye-catching perspective on the world.
Printable world map in a digital JPG format, featuring country names and boundaries. This map uses the Van der Grinten projection, providing a circular view of the world with accurate country shapes and locations. Ideal for educational purposes, personal use, or as a decorative piece
Size: 26.6" x 18" (WxH) inches
Resolution: 150 Dpi JPG
As of 2024, there are 195 countries in the world. This total includes:
Some territories and regions may be recognized by some countries but not others, and they are not included in the official count.